Stella Merlin, Valerio Pisaniello, Alfredo Rizza, «Restsprachen» in Anatolia antica: tra fonti dirette, indirette e ricostruzione, at the conference "Ricostruire lingue: dalle Restsprachen alle endangered languages", Venice, Aula Baratto.
News & Events
News and periodic updates about workshops, lectures, conferences and upcoming events.
Alvise Matessi's paper "Šumma ana Hattim lū ana mātim: Considerations on Hatti and neighboring lands during the 2nd millennium BCE", conference "Costeggiando l'Eurasia", Rome.
F. Giusfredi's paper "Peoples and languages of Anatolia: the context of Palaic and its historical implications", at the Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino, invited talk, at the seminar "ANCIENT INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES AND THEIR NEIGHBOURS".
V. PIsaniello's paper "Looking for synchronic variation in Hittite" at the workshop "Journée d'étude 'Jeune chercheurs Asie Mineure' ".
F. Giusfredi and A. Matessi's paper "Non-Luvo-Hittite Anatolia in the Bronze age" at the ICAANE conference.